"It Will Then Happen Like I Have Been Told!" (Mařenka, Jeník)
"Should I Ever Happen to Learn Something like That about You" (Mařenka)
"It's Only True That Your past Life Seems to Be Veiled in a Sort of Mystery" (Mařenka, Jeník)
"While a Mother's Love Means Blessing, Painful Is a Stepmother's Hate" (Mařenka, Jeník)
"Faithful Love Cannot Be Marred by Any Former Pledge or Promise" (Mařenka, Jeník)
"Of Course, I Know Tobiáš Mícha since My Childhood" (Krušina, Ludmila, Kecal)
"He's Well Brought Up" (Krušina, Ludmila, Kecal)
Bedřich Smetana, Marie Vesela, Jindřich Jindrák, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Zdenek Kosler, Richard Novak
"You Are Surely Mařenka Krušinová's Bridegroom?" (Mařenka, Vašek)
"I Know a Maiden Fair Whose Love for You Is Boundless" (Mařenka, Vašek)
"As I Say, She’s Lovely, Sweet and Also Rich" (Kecal, Jeník)
"And If You Renounce Mařenka I Shall Also Pay You Something" (Kecal, Jeník)
"March of the Comedians. We Announce to the Public" (Principal of the comedians)
"Oh... Oh... Oh... Oh, That Will Be Lovely" (Vašek, Principal of the comedians, Esmeralda, Indian)
"We Shall Make a Graceful Little Bear of You" (Principal of the comedians, Esmeralda)
"Tell...Tell Me What You Want?" (Krušina, Ludmila, Mícha, Háta, Vašek, Kecal)
"Make up Your Mind, Mařenka, Take Your Time" (Krušina, Ludmila, Mařenka, Mícha, Háta, Kecal)
"Calm Down, Calm Down, Dear, Calm Down" (Mařenka, Jeník, Kecal)
"What Have You Decided, Mařenka?" (Krušina, Ludmila, Mařenka, Mícha, Háta, Jeník, Kecal)
"Save Yourselves! The Bear Has Got Loose!" (Krušina, Ludmila, Mařenka, Mícha, Háta, Vašek, Jeník)