- 1990 · 3 tracks · 16 min
The third of Liszt’s Liebesträume (“Dreams of Love”) contains one of his best-known melodies, one of the most ardent in Romantic music. Although known primarily in its guise for solo piano, all three Liebestraüme were originally composed in the 1840s as songs that Liszt then transcribed for piano, with the two versions being published simultaneously in 1850. Each of the Liebestraüme conveys a different type of love: heavenly (No. 1), erotic (No. 2) and unconditional (No. 3). Throughout all three pieces, the melodic line is paramount, as befits their origin in song, yet Liszt’s inventive harmonies and resourceful piano-writing are always evident. The first piece (Hohe Liebe, “Exalted Love”) shimmers with filigree decoration that embellishes the melodic line; No. 2 (Seliger Tod, “Blessed Death”) traces an arc, with a passionate climax and extended aftermath; and finally, No. 3 (O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst!, “O love as long as you can!”) builds to a similar high point, incorporating virtuoso flourishes before returning to the beautiful opening theme.