H. I. F. Biber: Sonata representativa
J. Bennet: Venus' Birds
Merula: Canzoni overo sonate concertate per chiesa e camera, Op. 12
T. Arne: When Daisies Pied "The Cuckow"
H. I. F. Biber: Sonata representativa
The Frog and the Mouse
Wallom Green (From Playford's "The English Dancing Master")
Wallom Green (From Playford's "The English Dancing Master") [Arr. Christina Pluhar]
The Taylor and the Mouse
Mulberry Garden (From Playford's "The English Dancing Master")
Mulberry Garden (From Playford's "The English Dancing Master") [Arr. Christina Pluhar]
No. 19, The Faithful Maid. "'Twas When the Seas Were Roaring"
Newcastle (From Playford's "The English Dancing Master")
Newcastle (From Playford's "The English Dancing Master") [Arr. Christina Pluhar]
F. Gasparini: Già dal platano antico
E. Ahbez: Nature Boy
- Mireille FaureProducer