Chorus: "Lord, Our Redeemer"
Recit: "Jesus Went With His Disciples"
Chorale: "O Wondrous Love, O Love Of Depth Unbounded"
Recit: "So That The Word Might Be Fulfilled"
Philomusica of London, Sir David Willcocks, Sir Peter Pears, David Ward
Chorale: "Thy Will, O Lord Our God, Be Done"
Recit: "The Band Then, Together With The Captain"
Recit: "Simon Peter Also Followed Jesus From Afar"
Recit: "Now That Same Disciple"
Lindsay Heather, Sir David Willcocks, David Ward, Philomusica of London, Sir Peter Pears
Chorale: "O Lord, Who Dares To Smite Thee"
Recit: "And Annas Sent Him Bound"
Aria: "Ah! My Soul, O Whither Wilt Thou Fly?"
Chorale: "Peter, Faithless, Thrice Denies"
Chorale: "Christ, the Lord Of Life and Light"
Recit: "Then Led They Jesus From Ciaphas"
Philomusica of London, Sir David Willcocks, The Choir of King's College, Cambridge, David Ward, Sir Peter Pears, Brian Etheridge
Chorale: "O Mighty King, Eternal Is Thy Glory"
Recit: "And Pilate Said Unto Him"
David Ward, Philomusica of London, Sir Peter Pears, The Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Brian Etheridge, Sir David Willcocks
Aria:"Behold Ye, How His Limbs With Blood Are Stained"
Recit: "And When the Soldiers Had Plaited"
David Ward, The Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Brian Etheridge, Sir Peter Pears, Sir David Willcocks, Philomusica of London
Chorale: "Thy Bonds, O Son of God Most High"
Recit: "But the Jews Cried Out, and Said"
Aria & Chorus: "Haste, Ye Deeply Wounded Spirits"
Recit: "And There Crucified They Him"
Chorale: "Within My Inmost Being"
Recit: "And Then Did the Soldiers"
Chorale: "While His Parting Spirit Sinks"
Recit: "And From That Hour He Took Her"
Philomusica of London, David Ward, Sir Peter Pears, Sir David Willcocks
Aria & Chorale: "Beloved Saviour, Wilt Thou Answer?"
Recit: "And Then Behold, the Veil of the Temple"
Arioso: "My Heart, Behold How All the World"
Chorale: "Help Us Christ, Almighty Son"
Recit: "And After This, Joseph of Arimathaea"
Chorus: "Rest Calm, O Body Pure and Holy"
Chorale: "Lord Jesus, Thy Dear Angel Send"