- Nikolai Schukoff, Annika Gerhards, Laura Aikin, Elisabeth Kulman, NDR Radiophilharmonie, Christian Elser, Lawrence Foster, Jochen Schmeckenbecher
Elisabeth Kulman
Soprano Elisabeth Kulman has an international career in opera but has increasingly often performed concert music. As her voice developed, she shifted from the soprano range to mezzo-soprano and contralto parts and roles. For the first part of her career, she was known as a Mozart soprano. Her recording debut came in 1999 with the Wiener Kammerchor on a recording of Liszt's Via crucis and Missa choralis. Kulman switched to the mezzo-soprano specialty in 2004, making her debut in Suppé's Boccaccio. In 2009, she made her solo debut with Amarcord Wien on an album of Mahler orchestral songs. She sang the contralto solo part in Mahler's Symphony No. 2 in C minor ("Resurrection") in 2023.