- Orquesta de Cadaqués, Alicia de Larrocha, Jaime Martín, María José Montiel, Josep Colom, Pepe Romero, Gianandrea Noseda
Pepe Romero
Pepe Romero has played the guitar for as long as he can remember, debuting at the age of seven. His father was the legendary guitarist Celedonio Romero and was his only teacher. Along with his father and brothers Celin and Angel, Romero formed the Romeros Quartet, and riding on the heels of Celedonio's celebrity in Spain, embarked on an international career that made them the most famous guitar ensemble in the world. From this secure base, Pepe Romero had little difficulty in establishing himself as one of the leading guitar virtuosos of his generation. With over 50 recordings to his credit and literally thousands of concerts, Romero's repertory spans the entire literature for the guitar. In addition, his stunning technique and exciting bravura have inspired many composers, including Joaquin Rodrigo, Federic Moreno Torroba, Lorenzo Palomo, and his father Celdonio Romero, to write major works for him. As a soloist, Romero has performed with nearly every major orchestra, and in virtually every major hall in Europe and the Americas. He is the pre-eminent Spanish guitar virtuoso, and one of the most popular concert artists on his instrument.