- Jeanette Köhn, Hillevi Martinpelto, Magnus Svensson, Gustaf Sjökvists Kammarkör, Björn Granath, Karl-Magnus Fredriksson, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Stockholm
- Stockholm Chamber Orchestra, Anna Eklund-Tarantino, Jan Stromberg, Peter Mattei, Johan Christensson, Hillevi Martinpelto, Mark Tatlow, Susanne Rydén, Lars Arvidson, Stephen Smith
- Susanne Rydén, Lars Arvidson, David Johansson, Lars Johansson, Patrik Wirefeldt, Bjorn Stockhaus, Annika Nerfont, Yvonne Tuvesson-Rosenqvist, Mikael Samuelson, Karin Ingeback, Thomas Sunnegardh, Per Borin, Jeanette Bjurling, Thomas Lander, Elisabeth Ander, Sven H. Aberg, Lollo Ohlsson, Iwar Bergkwist, Daniel Hallstrom, Andreas Landin, Karl Etti, Olav Anton Thommessen, Jan Nessler, Sven G. Aberg, Tommy Lagg, Catarina Lundgren, Iwa Sorenson, Olle Persson, Stefan Nymark, Anita Soldh, Malena Ernman, Pia-Marie Nilsson, Ingegerd Nilsson, Birgitta Petersson, Jakob Hogstrom, Carl Johan Falkman, Annete Roth, Lena Nordin, Mikael Bellini, Michael Weinius, Olof Boman, David Aler, Eva Bostrom, Bo Armand Olsson, Gertrud Hoffstedt, Maria Hedstrom, Olof Lilja, Olle Skold, Arnold Östman, Ulrik Soelberg, Christina Hornell, Petter Sundkvist, Johnny van Hal, Anna Larsson, Anders Lorentzson, Torbjorn Lillieqvist, Christina Pettersson, Tua Aberg, Fredrik Zetterstrom, Ingeborg Nordenfelt, Dag Metin Ardel, Lars Palerius, Magnus Ahlstrom, Clas Pehrsson, Stefan Dahlberg, Anna Eklund-Tarantino, Carina Morling, Per-Arne Wahlgren, Karolina Blixt, Anna Hanning, Carina Stranberg, Irene Almen, Linnea Sallay, Magnus Kyhle, Nina Stemme, Christina Falk, Michael Axelsson, Lage Wedin, Lars Hallgren, Sten Niclasson, Ingela Bohlin, Tomas Lind, Per-Erik Ohrn, Asa Mockle-Wall, Eva-Maria Tersson, Anders Öhrwall, Ann Hallenberg, Carl Unander-Scharin, Gunilla Soderstrom, Helge Lannerback, Eva Hallberg, Elizabeth Hehr, Pia-Lena Andersson, Gunnar Lundberg, Camilla Tilling, Alan Hacker, Conny Thimander, Vadstena Academy Choir, Klara Ek, Anne Sofie von Otter, Annika Falk, Barbro Netin, Kristina Eriksson-Martling, Anders Wiklund, Marcus Jupither, Marriane Johansson, Gosta Zachrisson, Karl Rombo, Nikola Matisic, Jesper Taube, Christer Solén, Malin Gjorup, Birgitta Kallenberg, Bjorn Hallman, Elisabet Strid, Mark Bartholdsson, Anders Melander, Andrew Dalton, Tord Wallstrom, Staffan Larson, Glenn Mossop, Karin Frolen, Lilian Sjostrand, Staffan Galli, Gregor Bergman, Magnus Linden, Michael Bartosch, Henrik Holmberg, Clara Bystrand, Stina Tornberg, Bengt Jarnblad, Maria Gustafsson, Alexander Niclasson, Johan Hallsten, Maud Hammerud, Jonas Degerfeldt, B. Tommy Andersson, Marianne Eklof, Hillevi Martinpelto, Louise Werner, Stefan Dassman, David Björkman, Siw Sjoberg, Charlotta Nilsson, Charlotta Huldt, Angela Rotondo, Thomas Schuback, Lars Magnusson, Graham Treacher, Bo Rosenkull, Vadstena Academy, Maria Sanner, Orjan Nasbom, Sigrid Holmquist, Greger Erdos, Katarina Andersson-Arvidson, Cecilia Rydinger Alin, Helena Döse, Tove Dahlberg, Elisabeth Weman, Birgitta Lundkvist, Alexandra Orrgard Solen, Katija Dragojevic, Jadwiga Koba, Britt-Marie Aruhn, Mattias Nilsson, Sven-Anders Benktsson, Robert Vetander, Signe Sannem Lund, Lennart Forsen, Mats Andersson, Ola Eliasson, Mark Tatlow, Bengt Nordfors, Sara Olsson, Catharina Olsson, Gunilla Palsson, Roger Wagsjo, Bo Johan Leinmark, Andreas Lundmark, Mia Karlsson, Stefan Parkman
- Nina Stemme, Curt Appelgren, Carl Unander-Scharin, Anders Bergstrom, Stockholm Royal Philharmonic Choir, Kjell Ingebretsen, Lars Kullenbo, Staffan Sandlund, Adolf Fredrik Girls Choir, Henrik Westberg, Harriet Andersson, Hillevi Martinpelto, Carina Jarlemark, Håkan Hagegård, Ingrid Tobiasson, Sten Wahlund, Rolf Cederlof, Adolf Fredrik Boys Choir, Arild Helleland, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Stockholm
- Gothenburg Opera House Chorus, Susanne Resmark, Maurizio Barbacini, Gothenburg Opera House Orchestra
Hillevi Martinpelto
While her name may be difficult for some to remember -- or even pronounce -- Hillevi Martinpelto has, since about 1990, made a name for herself on the world's major operatic stages, as well as in its most prestigious concert halls. She has scored success particularly for her work in the operas of Mozart, Verdi, and Wagner. That said, her repertory choices are broad and encompass much else, including vastly disparate roles in the operas of Weber, Tchaikovsky, Gounod, Richard Strauss, Puccini, the little-known Swede Ivar Hallström, and numerous others. In concert she has been a soloist in Mahler's Eighth Symphony, Beethoven's Ninth, Brahms' Requiem, Handel's Messiah, various J.S. Bach cantatas, and much else. Martinpelto has made numerous recordings for various labels, including Philips, Archiv Produktion, EMI, Sterling, and several others. Hillevi Martinpelto was born in Dalecarlia, Sweden. She studied music at the Royal Swedish Academy of Music and the Royal Opera School, both in Stockholm. In 1987, the year of her graduation, she debuted at the Royal Opera House in Stockholm singing Cho-Cho San in Puccini's Madama Butterfly. She soon appeared in other important operatic productions in Drottningholm (Royal Court Theater) and Umea (Norrlands Operan). By the early '90s, she was regularly appearing at the major opera houses in Europe, including at Vienna, Berlin, Brussels, Glyndebourne, and in the U.S. (Los Angeles and New York) and Japan. Her 1991 Elektra from Idomeneo and 1993 Countess from Le nozze di Figaro both drew high praise, solidifying her credentials in Mozart operas. Her 1994 recording of Le nozze, on Archiv Produktion, under conductor John Eliot Gardiner, drew lavish accolades. Over the years Martinpelto has worked extensively with Gardiner and his famed ensembles, the Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists, and the Orchestre Revolutionnaire et Romantique. In 1996 Martinpelto was invited, along with conductor Andrew Davis, to take part in the music performances given at the Nobel Prize ceremonies in Stockholm. By the turn of the new century Martinpelto was a full-fledged international star of both the opera and concert stages. She has remained active on all fronts, attempting as always to find a reasonable balance between appearances in her homeland and those abroad. Among her later recordings are two that have garnered international acclaim: the 2005 Weber Oberon with John Eliot Gardiner on Philips and the 2006 Bach Mass in B minor with Rene Jacobs on Berlin Classics.