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- Dávid Szigetvári, Randall Scotting, László Jekl, Pál Németh, Monika Gonzalez, Savaria Baroque Orchestra
The career of countertenor Randall Scotting has expanded beyond his native U.S. to major European houses. Scotting, who perhaps alone among important countertenors is a serious bodybuilder, has an unusually strong commitment to contemporary music. Scotting was heard in 2011 on a recording by the Savaria Baroque Orchestra of Antonio Caldara's Oratorio di Santo Stefano, Primo Re dell'Ungheria. Scotting has a large repertory of Baroque operatic roles by Handel and other composers. He also sings the countertenor roles in Britten's A Midsummer Night's Dream and Death in Venice. Scotting is a strong champion of contemporary music, singing works by modernist heavyweights such as John Cage and Luciano Berio, as well as by leading composers, including Caroline Shaw. He released his solo debut album, The Crown: Heroic Arias for Senesino, in 2022, following that up a year later with the recital album Lovesick.