Latest Albums
- Martin Goldray, Toby Twining, Theo Bleckmann, Tony Boutte, John Benthal, Katie Geissinger, David Cossin, Bohdan Hilash
Composer and vocalist Theo Bleckmann was born in Germany but moved to New York City in 1989 to pursue a career in music. Although usually classified as a jazz musician, Bleckmann exhibits a distinctly experimental sensibility, collapsing genres while edging into the avant garde, theater, and performance art. He has been a member of Meredith Monk’s ensemble since 1994, and has collaborated with Laurie Anderson, Phillip Glass, John Zorn, and Anthony Braxton, among others. Among his albums are his 1992 debut THEO & KIRK, a duo project with pianist Kirk Nurock, LAS VEGAS RHAPSODY (2006), a collection of Vegas-style showtunes arranged by pianist Fumio Yasuda, and 12 SONGS BY CHARLES IVES (2009), a contemporary treatment of Ives’s songs.