Silent Night (feat. Mirusia, Kimmy Skota, Carla Maffioletti, The Platin Tenors, The Royal Choir Society Mastreechter Staar & The Sjamaes Children's Choir)
S. Adams
The Holy City (feat. The Platin Tenors & The Royal Choir Society Mastreechter Staar) [Arv_11]
O Holy Night (feat. Mirusia, Kimmy Skota, Carla Maffioletti & The Royal Choir Society Mastreechter Staar) [Arv_11]
H. Blake
God Rest You Merry Gentlemen
Jester Hairston
O Come All Ye Faithful (feat. The Royal Choir Society Mastreechter Staar & The Sjamaes Children's Choir) [Arv_11]
Go Tell It on the Mountain
From Heaven High I Come to You (Medley) [feat. The Royal Choir Society Mastreechter Staar & The Sjamaes Children's Choir]
Slaap Nu Mijn Jezuke (feat. The Royal Choir Society Mastreechter Staar & Mirusia)
Hallelujah Chorus (From "Messiah") [feat. Mirusia, Kimmy Skota, Carla Maffioletti, The Platin Tenors & The Royal Choir Society Mastreechter Staar] [Arv_10]
- André RieuProducer
- André RieuRecording Engineer
- Ward VlasveldEngineer