Introduction. As God the Lord of Israel Liveth
The Deeps Afford no Water - Lord! Bow Thine Ear to Our Prayer!
Ye People Rend Your Hearts - If with All Your Hearts
London Philharmonic Orchestra, Josef Krips, George Maran
Yet Doth the Lord See It Ot - Elijah! Get Thee Hence
For He Shall Give His Angel
Now Cherith's Brook Is Dried Up - What Have I to Do with Thee?
Blessed Are the Men Who Fear Him
As God the Lord of Sabaoth Liveth - Baal, We Cry to Thee
George Maran, Bruce Boyce, Josef Krips, London Philharmonic Orchestra
Draw Near All ye People - Lord God of Abraham
The Fire Descends from Heaven - Take All the Prophets
Woe Unto Them Who Forsake Him! O Man of God, Help Thy People! Thanks Be to God!
George Maran, Bruce Boyce, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Josef Krips, Norma Procter, Michael Cunningham
Hear Ye, Israel - Be Not Afraid, Saith God the Lord - The Lord Hath Exalted Thee
Have Ye Not Heard - Man of God Now Let My Words Be Precious
It Is Enough! O Lord, Now Take Away My Life - See, Now He Sleepeth
Bruce Boyce, Josef Krips, London Philharmonic Orchestra, George Maran
Lift Thine Eyes - He, Watching Over Israel, Slumbers Not
Arise, Elijah, for Though Hast a Long Jouney - O Lord, I Have Laboured in Vain!
O rest in the Lord - He that shall endure to the end, shall be saved - Night falleth round me, Lord!
Arise Now! - Behold! God the Lord Passeth by
Above Him Stood the Seraphim - Go, Return Upon Thy Way!
I Go on My Way - For the Mountains Shall Depart
Then Did Elijah the Prophet Break Forth - Then Shall the Righteous Shine Forth
George Maran, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Josef Krips
Behold, God Hath Sent Elijah - But the Lord, from the North Hath Raised One
O Come Everyone That Thirsteth - And Then Shall your Light Break Forth