Stockholm Royal Opera Chorus, Herbert Sandberg, Jussi Björling, Eva Prytz, Hugo Hasslo, Kurt Bendix, Barbro Ericson, Hjördis Schymberg, Olle Sivall, Kerstin Meyer, Erik Sundquist, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Stockholm
Sixten Ehrling, Stockholm Royal Opera Chorus, Anders Naslund, Herbert Sandberg, Royal Opera Chorus, Kjerstin Dellert, Kurt Bendix, Sigurd Bjorling, Busk Margit Jonsson, Nils Grevillius, Kerstin Meyer
Kurt Bendix, Barbro Ericson, Carl-Axel Hallgren, Bertil Alstergård, Georg Svedenbrant, Ingvar Wixell, Olle Sivall, Kerstin Meyer, Erik Sundquist, Judith Garellick, Stockholm Royal Opera Chorus, Sven-Erik Jacobsson, Jussi Björling, Carrie Nilsson, Eva Prytz
Erik Saedén, Hugo Hasslo, Sture Ingebretzen, Stockholm Royal Opera Chorus, Ingeborg Kjellgren, Herbert Sandberg, Jussi Björling, Bertil Alstergård, Hjördis Schymberg, Olle Sivall, Kerstin Meyer
Sixten Ehrling, Berislav Klobučar, Stockholm Royal Opera Chorus, Michael Gielen, Kerstin Meyer, Set Svanholm, Herbert Sandberg, Kim Borg, Charles Craig, Rudolf Vašata, Egon Kjerrman, Stig Rybrant
Arne Hendriksen, Kjerstin Dellert, Busk Margit Jonsson, Gunnar Kallsing, Sixten Ehrling, Carl-Axel Hallgren, Stockholm Royal Opera Chorus, Sigurd Bjorling, Olle Sivall, Anders Naslund, Kerstin Meyer, Elisabeth Söderström, Erik Sundquist
Misha Mishakoff, Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, CBC Symphony Orchestra, Kerstin Meyer, Victor Feldbrill, Oscar Shumsky, Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Louis Lane, Paul Paray, Nicholas Goldschmidt, Albert Tipton, Leonard Rose, The Cleveland Orchestra, Georg Ludwig Jochum, Leonard Bernstein, Glenn Gould, New York Philharmonic, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Josef Krips, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Ernest MacMillan
Ingvar Wixell, Königliche Hofkapelle, Stockholm, Kerstin Meyer, Set Svanholm, Aase Nordmo-Loevberg, Sigurd Bjorling, Sixten Ehrling, Gosta Bjorling, Joel Berglund, Bette Wermine-Björling, Inga Raft, Folke Jonsson, Hugo Hasslo, Arne Ohlson, Busk Margit Jonsson
Carl-Axel Hallgren, Lamberto Gardelli, Benjamin Britten, Karin Molander, Håkan Hagegård, Karin Langebo, Laila Andersson-Palme, Helge Brilioth, Claude Genetay, Kerstin Meyer, Sven Nilsson, Albert Wolff, Arnold Östman, Elisabeth Söderström, Jonny Blanc, Tonny Landy, Dame Janet Baker, English Opera Group Choir, Margot Rödin, Ulla Severin, Thomas Schuback, Swedish Radio Chorus, Lars af Malmborg, Birgit Nordin, Bengt Rundgren, Anita Soldh, Leon Bjorker, Charles Farncombe, Carlo Felice Cillario, Eva Prytz, Erik Saedén, Bertil Bokstedt, Edith Thallaug, Arne Ohlson, Uno Stjernqvist, Zygmund Latoszewski, Studio Orchestra, Lilly Furlin, Claes-Hakan Ahnsjo, Sergiu Comissiona
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